
Showing posts from December, 2018

The Keys of the Kingdom

I had a dream I was running from the enemy, who was right behind me (I don't know who the enemy was).  I believe I was in a car, with someone.  I had been given by an ally (I don't remember who) three shiny, metal keys of different sizes.  They looked like skeleton keys, and each one was a little smaller than the last one, and I had to use them in order of size.  I was directed by the ally to a compound which was a place of safety.  There were three gates.  The first gate I came to, I had to use the first and largest key.  All I had to do was touch the key pad; I didn't have to put the key into a hole.  The gate opened.  I remembered instructions given to me: "You must have the keys immediately ready, lest you not get through the gates fast enough!"  Therefore, in the few seconds of driving between the first and second gate, I prepared the second key, being certain it was the right one, so that when we arrived at the second gate, we us...