Power From On High
My daughter, write this down. I am about to do a great and marvelous thing upon the entire world and all its inhabitants. Do you think you have seen my might works as you read my holy Word, as those who are full of the glory of my Spirit teaching you all that I have done? Well, think again. You have seen NOTHING. Oh, you say, but what about the mighty miracles of the plagues in Egypt, the release of Israel from their taskmasters, their escape through the Red Sea by my mighty hand, the awesome feats in battle, the manna, the fire and smoke on the mountain, the great and triumphant deeds of my prophets and judges whom I sent to keep my people walking in my way--indeed, even the great and mighty works of my only begotten Son, Yeshua HaMashiach, and his mighty Apostles? Oh, my dear people, you who have longed for me and yearned for me with intense expectancy, whose every breath is all about me, whose mind is nowhere but me, whose heart is only mine, whose...