
Showing posts from October, 2018


I believe this is the other side of the coin to the word “The Sword of the Lord” that was just posted.   While we must not call down curses on those who are true brethren in Christ but have imbalanced doctrine, we must also be on our guard concerning those who are actually undermining the truth of the Word and the Gospel.   I received the following word a few days ago in this regard: You must continue to inquire of me of every single person that you listen to and read. Never take anything for granted. Never assume that any person is without error. The enemy is very crafty and busy right now undermining the authority and the powers of even my most trusted Saints. Why do you doubt what I say in your spirit? My sheep listen to my voice, I know them and they follow me. I know that the enemy is very crafty, and if you have any doubt in your mind who is speaking to you, it is right of you to be assured through my Saints [to clarify, the Lord is speaking of going to those we tr...

The Sword of the Lord

I dreamed I was in a large room with a large two-edged sword, and I was forced to fight to the death the person in front of me.  I perceived that the person did not have a proper weapon and that I could just use my dagger to cut his throat, but then, as I came up to him, I realized that he had a massive one-edge sword with a curved blade.  I tried to grab hold of it while it was in its sheath so he could not swing it at me, but I could not hold it and only managed to pull off the sheath.  I realized I was fully vulnerable because my sword was sheathed at my waist.  Then, I became aware that the person I was fighting was a sweet brother in Christ.  I said to him, please, will you let me draw my sword?  He obliged.  We clashed swords for some time, and I could feel the exhaustion of it.  Then, a man came into the room who deliberately tripped up this brother.  He lay on the ground sprawled out with is face upward, and his sword lost from his ...


My daughter, concerning this matter of your “holy” day, Halloween, it is a great atrocity in my sight.   Indeed, it is a worship of that which is dead, the opposite of that which I delight in.   Those who love me obey me and delight in my truth.   My truth is light.   They who love me are light in darkness.   The darkness loves that which is death.   Listen, my daughter, does anything good come from the shadows?   Yea, though you walk THROUGH the shadows of death, you will fear no evil, for I am with you.   My dear children, indeed you must walk THROUGH shadows because you walk in a world of shadows.   My light is eclipsed because of the evil that has overcome many people on the earth.   I have not asked that you be taken out of the world of shadows but that you have the strength to walk through them and overcome the evil and the darkness that is pervasive around you.   BUT, never have I asked my children to walk INTO the darkness...


Oh LORD, on the clouds of your fury, And come down, Oh LORD, to snatch away your people To the height Mount Zion, to the height Mount Zion. Ride, Oh LORD, on the clouds of your fury, And come down, Our God, to destroy all the gods From your sanctuary, from your sanctuary. Ride, Oh LORD, on the clouds of your fury, And shoot forth your lightning to expose the darkness In the shroud of evil, in the shroud of evil. Ride, Oh LORD, on the clouds of your fury, And pour forth your rains and your floods and your torrents To wash all uncleanness, to wash all uncleanness. Ride, Oh LORD, on the clouds of your fury, And send forth your wind to expose every secret And lift up your people, and lift up your people. Ride, Oh LORD, on the clouds of your fury, And show forth your glory on the wings of fire, And shoot us, your arrows; yes, shoot us, your arrows. Ride, Oh LORD, on the clouds of your fury, And send mighty warriors to preserve the righteous. Show your light in darkness; show your light in...


I bought a chia tea at the airport today and then promptly forgot it in the bathroom. When I went back to look for it (right at boarding time, so I missed out on a good seat), it was gone. I kept trying to put it out of my mind, but it kept bothering me. What a waste, I kept thinking. Finally, I asked the Lord, "Why did that happen?" I know that nothing happens without a purpose. He began to tell me, and I heard, "Write it down. My daughter, you are disturbed about something so insignificant compared to other things. If this mere loss of a chai will unsettle you, what of my loss of those I created and love, who share my image, for whom I have paid far more than a few dollars. My daughter, I will not easily lose them. But, the time has come for some to meet their Maker. Their loved ones will go looking for them at "boarding time" but will not find them, for it will be too late. Oh, my people, do you realize that if you do not overcome now by understanding ...


Jeremiah 23:19: "Behold, the storm of the LORD! Wrath has gone forth, a whirling tempest; it will burst upon the head of the wicked." Isaiah 66:15: " For behold, the LORD will come in fire, and his chariots like the whirlwind, to render his anger in fury, and his rebuke with flames of fire." The early morning of October 7, I dreamed that I and my husband and my two children were in a very small house of one room. There was a window on the end of the room. There was a door in the front. And there was a door in the back. There suddenly came upon us a very powerful tornado. I had the sense that I should go down to the basement with the children, but in a split-second decision, I decided not to and just got down onto the floor. I had my daughter down on the floor, with me partially on top of her. My husband was on the floor and my son was not next to my husband. He was by the door. The next thing I knew, he was being sucked out the door by the tornado. I was s...

The Deceiver

I had a dream on October 3rd that lasted what seemed like the whole night. It started out with me looking up into the sky and seeing quite a number of planets of different sizes and colors (maybe seven, but I didn’t count; I only have a general idea). The next thing I knew, there were all these different ships in the sky. I perceived them to be alien ships. In my dream, I remember seeing a lot of rubble in place of cities, and I perceived that the aliens had completely demolished all of the cities of my country, the USA; however, I’m not certain of the truth of that perception or not. They began to set down their ships on the rubble. I don't know how or why, but I and some people with me were in what I perceived to be one of the ships at some point. It was the only place to take refuge because a huge storm system came through. It was summer time, but in a matter of seconds, summer turned to bitter winter. It went to negative degrees. People were freezing to death if they did not ge...