I believe this is the other side of the coin to the word “The Sword of the Lord” that was just posted. While we must not call down curses on those who are true brethren in Christ but have imbalanced doctrine, we must also be on our guard concerning those who are actually undermining the truth of the Word and the Gospel. I received the following word a few days ago in this regard: You must continue to inquire of me of every single person that you listen to and read. Never take anything for granted. Never assume that any person is without error. The enemy is very crafty and busy right now undermining the authority and the powers of even my most trusted Saints. Why do you doubt what I say in your spirit? My sheep listen to my voice, I know them and they follow me. I know that the enemy is very crafty, and if you have any doubt in your mind who is speaking to you, it is right of you to be assured through my Saints [to clarify, the Lord is speaking of going to those we tr...